BC Government Rebates


EfficiencyBC has recently implemented a new and updated home energy rebate initiative, offering a maximum rebate of $900.00 for insulation improvements. Information here: https://efficiencybc.ca/incentives/insulation-rebates/

Eligibility Requirements

– The insulation must be installed on or after September 28, 2018.

– The home must be primarily heated with electricity or natural gas provided by BC Hydro, FortisBC, a municipal utility or with piped propane supplied by FortisBC.

– Homes heated with oil or propane must convert to electricity or natural gas before they can access this rebate.

– The insulation must be installed in an eligible home.

– The home must have a minimum of 12 months of consecutive utility billing history.

Upgrade Requirements

– The insulation must be installed by a contractor with a valid BC business license and in accordance with the BC Standards of Practice Guide for Air Sealing and Insulation Retrofits.

– Eligible insulation types are rolls or batts, blown-in, loose fill, rigid board, and spray foam.

– Pest infestations and rodent tunnels in the insulation must be resolved prior to installation of new insulation.

– A minimum rebate value of $500 is required for each insulation location to be eligible for either the Two Upgrade Bonus or Home Energy Improvement Bonus.

How to Apply

1 – Carefully read the terms and conditions to confirm your eligibility, the upgrade requirements, and the documentation requirements.

2 – Have your insulation installed by a contractor with a valid BC business license.

3 – Once your upgrades are installed, complete the online application and upload all supporting documentation including copies of all receipts and invoices. See sample invoices.


– The application form for individual upgrades must be submitted within 6 months of the invoice date of the upgrade.

– The application form for the Two Upgrade Bonus must be submitted after the second bonus-eligible upgrade is installed, and within 18 monthsof the invoice date of the first bonus-eligible upgrade.

– The application form for the Home Energy Improvement Bonus and EnerGuide Home Evaluation Rebate must be submitted within 18 months of your pre-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation, and after your post-retrofit EnerGuide home evaluation.


– Learn more about insulation upgrades by reading our insulation FAQs.

– If you installed upgrades prior to September 28th, 2018, check out our FAQ “What if I started my renovations before the launch of the new Home Renovation Rebate and EfficiencyBC program?”

– Check out our incentive search tool for other energy efficiency upgrades rebates.

– Did you see a building science or energy efficiency term you did not understand? Check out our glossary.

– By using, visiting, or browsing EfficiencyBC and the Energy Coach service, you accept and agree to these Terms of Use.